What we offer
All of our care services are delivered with the aim of helping our service-users to promote their wellbeing and independence and achieve their personal outcomes in a way that respects their dignity and aspirations.
The way we strive to achieve the above is to ensure that our services are:
- Designed to give choice and control to our service-users
- Tailored to meet the needs of each individual and person-centred
- Reviewed to reflect the feedback and communication with our service users
- Delivered by carers who have been carefully recruited including enhanced CRB checks and ISA checks in respect of each carers
- Provided by carers that are trained and monitored to the highest standards
- Delivered safely and in a way that best safeguards the interest and rights of service users
- Provided in a way that is sustainable, respects diversity and equality and complies with the regulations and rules governing the social care sector
- Continually sought to be improved with best practice within the sector
For more detailed information evidencing our commitment to safeguarding and ensuring that you or your loved one receives the highest quality of care please also read about "Our Quality Commitment"